

yourself and your goals

Our lives are busy, increasingly demanding of our time and energy, leading to a constant state of stress and exhaustion. It's no wonder it seems so difficult to make time for wellness, health and recovery. 

We get lost in our daily "grind", the hustle of work, daily chores, caring for children and the various commitments that take our time. Convenience has become a way of survival for a lot of people, leaving you further exhausted through poor nutrition, sleep and quality of time spent through this life. We forget that looking after our wellness is above all that. Because if we don't look after our wellness, we end up having to deal with illness. One way or another, all that "busyness" will take a backseat eventually. 

It's funny how we have started to defend the importance of things like work, social commitments and family obligations over our own health. At the end of the day, if you don't have your health, you won't have any of those other things either. I am by no means suggesting everyone should become an unemployed hermit and focus solely on ones self. No. I am simply suggesting that the priority order of things should always start with your own wellbeing. If work is driving you into the ground leaving you with no time, energy or a will to live, then perhaps it's time to re-evaluate the reasons why you keep doing it. We work to live, not the other way around. Finding a work/life balance can be hard at times, but that in itself is the problem; it shouldn't be work/life, it should be life/work. Quality of life matters, it's the only one we have. 

Have you found yourself cancelling your own plans on account of friends or family? Postponing gym sessions, skipping cooking your food at home, going to bed late due to this and that? Once or twice... not a big deal. Regularly, then that becomes a big deal. Whilst your friends and family might not intentionally keep you from your goals and wants, the little suggestions which sound like "oh come on, it's just one" or "it won't matter, you can do it later" unfortunately can be some of the most unhelpful comments when trying to look after yourself. It's difficult being the odd one out when really, you're doing what everyone should be doing - looking after your own wellbeing. These comments are magnified when you are making changes and are perhaps trying to exercise more or are trying to lose weight, then they become harmful and unsupportive. That "it's just one" when it comes to food and body related goals is often the reason no goal is reached. We do the right thing for a while and then start to slip by thinking "I deserve a break, I deserve a treat" and that one comment supporting your inner monologue is the thing that brings it all down - despite you knowing it will take you further from your goals. 

So, the fix:

Prioritising yourself by removing yourself from environments and people who do not support that (or don't help you) is not being selfish, it's taking care of yourself. Ever heard people say you should surround yourself with people and things which help you reach your goals and make you happy? It's the truth. The environment we spend our time in has a huge impact on our mind, thinking and behaviour. A negative environment which spends more time complaining and talking about people will only have you doing the same; complaining instead of doing. Negative circle, negative mind. Poor food choices, unhappy body and mind. 

A positive environment will support you and cheer you on, and in the best case: join you. Wins for everyone. 

Start by evaluating everything in your life which demands energy and time; social commitments, hobbies, work.. one at a time. Each thing that comes up, ask yourself "does this add positively to my life?" If the answer is no, then you need to evaluate whether it is necessary. Work for example; yes it's necessary (in most cases anyway) but is there a way you can make it demand less of you? Is there something you can change to accommodate it better in your life? By starting that process, it becomes habit in all things and if you really truly listen to yourself, you'll end up with an environment and habits which are more suited to your life, and less like a life made up by the environment around you.

It's so easy to give into things just because in the moment it seems like the easy option, but generally speaking; the easy option makes tomorrow harder. So start making the hard choices today for an easier tomorrow.

This post was inspired by one of my clients who recently made some very big changes in her life. Not only is she thriving through those changes, she has also inspired others to do the same; and that's not easy! So proud of you, B!


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